Wednesday, November 30, 2011


By Eliana Benador

Never mind that Hamas and Fatah have tried to negotiate a unified front. Now, appears that Hamas as they want to enter mainstream, are suddenly prone to give up violence... but, the big question is: for how long...?

As any observant Muslims, Hamas terrorists are certainly applying Taqqiya at one point, that magical taqqiya that allows them to rightfully and legally say whatever they need to say distorting the truth, in order to advance the cause of Islam in the world.

Hamas, the "Islamic Resistance Movement" is not going to abandon their goals, that's a truth we have to count on.

At the same time, another fake Jew, Thomas Friedman wrote in a New York Times op-ed that Israel would do well to release the funds for the Palestinian Authority. We all know Mr. Friedman's good intentions towards... the Muslim cause and the evil approach he takes against Israel.

And yet, Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and his team, including Avigdor Lieberman, are now going to release the funds for the Palestinians, forgetting even the poisonous speech Abu Mazen, aka Mahmoud Abbas, gave at the United Nations.

A kind reminder:

Israel is G-d's Land given to His Children, the Jewish People...

Why choose any government who is going to defend the enemy instead of standing ferociously to defend their own people... One thing is sure: No Father would like to see that happen...

And, so, History is repeated -at your own risk.

G-d is clear: "Because they turned their back on me, I destroyed their cities."

And, G-d's Words are full of meaning and of purpose, they are never empty words...

That's why Israel will be taken in another direction altogether.

May G-d illuminate their new path.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's top cabinet ministers approved the handover of $100 million in tax money to the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday, despite the vocal opposition of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

The FM's reason for wanting to hold the tax collection money was the possibility of it being used by a Palestinian unity government that would include Hamas – a terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip

On Sunday, Netanyahu appeared close to a decision, saying at a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that he was considering releasing the money and that the cabinet would convene over the coming days to discuss the matter.

Netanyahu said he decided to go back on his decision to freeze the tax money due to the suspension of Palestinian activities at the UN, coupled with the fact that a Fatah-Hamas reconciliation does not appear to be on the horizon.

Lieberman was quick to respond at that meeting: "I have heard numerous infantile remarks about it being their money - as if with the money, they are free to murder or preach for the murder of Jews," the foreign minister said at a meeting of his Yisrael Beiteinu faction.

Nevertheless, Lieberman did back down on Sunday from the threats he made last week. "We will vehemently oppose the release of the funds," he said. "We won't quit the government and we won't create a crisis, but we will do everything we can to prevent the money from being transferred."

On Wednesday, the decision was finally made, with the forum of eight ruling that Israel would both transfer the withheld October tax funds as well as refrain from delaying taxes collected for the month of November.

A senior Israeli official said that Netanyahu's cabinet would consider freezing tax collection funds in the future if the Palestinians continue unilateral attempts for recognition at the United Nations or in the case of the formation of a unity cabinet between Fatah and Hamas.

Israel would track the money's use, and in the event that the funds are funneled toward terrorists, it will cut those amounts from future transactions, the official indicated.

Writing in a New York Times op-ed on Tuesday, leading columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote that Israel would be wise to transfer the money to the PA, arguing that Netanyahu had to bolster moderate forces in the Arab world in the wake of Arab Spring uprisings.

Original source


  1. Excellent piece, Eliana!

    "Why choose any government who is going to defend the enemy instead of standing ferociously to defend their own people... One thing is sure: No Father would like to see that happen...

    And, so, History is repeated -at your own risk.

    G-d is clear: "Because they turned their back on me, I destroyed their cities."

    And, G-d's Words are full of meaning and of purpose, they are never empty words...

    That's why Israel will be taken in another direction altogether."

    Words worth noting, madame!

  2. Make peace with Hamas and their military wing will just adopt a new name, and a new leadership.

    PLO---->Fatah---->Hamas----> ???

    I'm sure the Israeli gov't already knows whats next, but has to dance to appease the almighty 'Messiah', Barack Hussein Obama.
